Synopsis: It’s New York, 1942. After the death of their mother, two young brothers are sent to stay with their grandmother for the longest ten months of their lives. Their Grandmother Kurnitz is a one-woman German front - a refugee and a widow who has steeled her heart against the world. Her coldness and intolerance have crippled her own children: the boys’ father has no self-esteem...their Aunt Gert has an embarrassing speech impediment...Their Uncle Louie is a small-time gangster...and their Aunt Bella has the mentality of a child. But it is Bella’s hunger for affection and her refusal to be denied love that saves the boys - and that leads to an unforgettable, wrenching confrontation with her mother. Filled with laughter, tears, and insight, Lost in Yonkers is a heartwarming testament to Neil Simon’s writing.